Machine tool monitoring (POP)

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Integrated Management Solution

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Machine tool monitoring (POP)
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Machine tool monitoring (POP)

TIZ POP configuration diagram
main function
  • 1 Real-time machining status display (machining data list and machining data real-time graphic display)
  • 2 Real time machine control panel status display (real time display such as machine mode, feed, spindle, coordinate)
  • 3 Machining details (display the machining data list)
  • 4 Prediction of machining time (Prediction of machining time considering acceleration / deceleration and override of machine)
  • 5 Report output and viewing (Excel output, work history, work list viewing and saving per day, week, and month)
Auxiliary function
  • 1 character transmission function (single finished, all processed, alarm during processing, full alarm, message reservation function)
  • 2 Presenting and viewing program: (PxClient: Displaying machine operation status, using TV, using all PCs installed)
  • 3 Digital beacon function (displays the main function of PxServer by installing it at the existing beacon position)
TIZ Signal Interface
Smartphone app and per-machine digital beacon function (optional)

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